cheap face products part 1: iWhite Nose Pack

It’s been a while (again) and I’m back after a very long hiatus and I’ll be making a back-to-back product reviews this week!

I won’t be making it into a one post but instead it will be by part so it won’t get to long and boring! so let’s start

Is your main problem clog pores? always pestered by black or white heads but to doubtful to buy expensive products? well I feel you in that, as a student budgeting my money is always a must forcing me to not splurge on skin care products (which I can only do when I have extra money) anyway while casually roaming around checking stuffs on a local drug store, I discovered this certain korean line facial care products that are super CHEAP


and who wouldn’t give it a try? why not? it’s cheap it won’t be to disheartening if the products fail, so I added it into my basket.


see? it’s only 18 php!

let’s take a closer look on the back packaging for the ingredients and instructions


it says “contains natural active ingredient and Vitamins A, C & E that helps :soothe skin while effectively stripping off dirt, tighten pores, improve skin texture”

“Directions for use: after washing face, spread generously on the entire nose area. Wait for 15 mins then peel off the pack upward”

there you have it! so let’s try it


while I leave the said product on my nose for 15 mins I felt that it was drying to my skin (which make it far more effective for oily types, I’m on the dry type) also while removing the nose pack I noticed that it was irritating my skin and so just washed it out rather peeled it. but still it gave a quite pleasing result. It left my nose smooth and white heads free

my face after (ps: didn’t used any filter on any photo of my face here so you can see the effect)

the verdict:
/ 5 emoji nods

As I said earlier it was a bit drying for my skin type, it would be better if they produce a nose pack which is for the dry type since this one seems to tend for oily types. Also it didn’t remove all of the white heads as I noticed some SMALL ones left. but all in all it ain’t bad for something cheap and I would totally recommend it for those who are tight in their budget.

well here I end this entry, tune in for the second part

ps: I’m currently on google+ “tinapay marie” pls add me there

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